Is a Half-Syringe of Lip Filler Enough?

Smooth, plumped-up lips are one of today’s hottest beauty trends. Lip injections (or lip filler) is a popular way to achieve a gorgeous, voluminous look for your lips. This technique is minimally invasive and there is very little recovery time involved. However, if you are thinking about getting lip injections, there is still a lot for you to consider.

One of the most common questions people have about lip injections is, “How much filler do I need to get the look I want?” Or, in other words, how much filler will make a noticeable difference and how much could make your lips look over-filled?

But first, what exactly is a lip injection?

Lip injection is a procedure where a certified physician or nurse uses a needle to inject lip filler into your lips. Today, most certified cosmetic injectors use hyaluronic acid-based lip fillers. Hyaluronic acid is a clear, gel-like substance that is naturally produced by your body. It naturally attaches itself to the water molecules in your skin, which is what creates more volume in your lips.

The lip injection procedure itself is quite quick. Your appointment will be about 45 minutes to an hour-long, which includes talking with your practitioner about the procedure and allowing your provider to choose the best product to achieve your desired results. From there, your practitioner will apply some numbing cream to your lips to alleviate discomfort and will proceed with your appointment.

Now, how much lip filler do you need?

Lip filler is measured in syringes. One syringe is equal to one millilitre of filler. The amount of filler you use in your lips is extremely important to the result that you achieve. 

Most people are looking for noticeably plumper lips, but don’t want to take it too far. If that’s you, you may be wondering if a half syringe lip filler is enough to get you the look you want or if you need more than that for noticeable results. 

At Crave Beauty Lab, we recommend either a half syringe or a full syringe of lip filler, depending on the look you want to achieve and, of course, on your natural lips. Our practitioners will conduct a full consultation with you prior to your procedure and will recommend the right amount of lip filler for you.

Generally speaking, however, a half syringe of lip filler will give you a subtle result, which is great if you want your lips to be more natural-looking, to correct minor asymmetry or to add hydration. A full syringe will provide a more full and noticeable result, but won’t leave you with overfilled lips. 

How to prepare for your lip injection appointment

In order to leave your lip injection appointment with the plumped-up lips you’ve been dreaming of, you will need to spend some time preparing. During your consultation, your practitioner will ask you questions about the kind of look you want to achieve through lip injections, so you will want to make sure you think things through ahead of time and can clearly communicate the kind of result you want.

Your practitioner is trained to assess your facial features and to help determine what look is best for you as well. If you are unsure of what you want your results to be, your practitioner is there to guide you. Your practitioner will help you get a very clear idea of what your results will be.

It is also important to follow any instructions from your practitioner about how to care for your lips leading up to your lip injection procedure. For example, certain medications or vitamins may be off-limits for a certain period of time before your procedure to avoid swelling and bruising.

What happens after your appointment?

Lip injections are a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure, so you should have very little downtime after your procedure. You will likely notice some swelling in your lips (and possibly some light bruising) after your injections, but you will see your final results in two weeks. At this time, you are able to schedule your follow-up appointment. Any adjustments can be addressed at this time if needed.

Just like before your appointment, your practitioner may have some instructions for you to follow to help you care for your lips after your procedure. Make sure you follow them properly!

Your results!

One of the best parts of your lip injection procedure is that your results are immediate! Minus a little swelling that should only last a few days, you will get to enjoy your new look right away. 

Lip filler is not permanent, however. Depending on the type of filler you used, you will likely have between six to 12 months before you need a touch-up.

Are you considering lip injections? Contact Crave Beauty Lab today and our team of professionals in the Edmonton area will be happy to answer your questions and book your consultation.

Shaundra Waddell