
This non-invasive body shaping treatment uses infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency energy and vacuum technology to heat your fat cells.
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Ready To Try Velashape®, Edmonton?

Cellulite is a frustrating reality for women of all shapes and sizes. This dimply-looking skin most commonly appears on your thighs, buttocks, hips or abdomen. Although your cellulite is completely harmless, you may not be that into the bumpy look it gives your skin. We feel you. 


Enter VelaShape®.

This noninvasive body shaping treatment uses infrared light, bi-polar radio frequency energy and vacuum technology to heat your fat cells. This deep-heating technology helps reduce your cellulite quickly while contouring, shaping and slimming your body. As an added bonus, VelaShape helps improve blood circulation and enhances lymphatic drainage as well.

Why VelaShape?

VelaShape is the first procedure of its kind to be approved by Health Canada and the FDA. VelaShape is a noninvasive procedure, so there’s no anesthetics, no incisions and no recovery time required. That means you won’t experience any downtime. Aside from some mild redness, you won’t experience any side effects from your treatment, either. 

Real Results—Real Quick

You should see excellent results from your VelaShape treatments within about six weeks. We typically recommend weekly VelaShape treatments for a total of six weeks. You’ll notice your cellulite gradually fading away during this time period. Your skin will also begin to feel firmer and tighter. 

Although VelaShape isn’t a weight loss procedure, many patients find they look and feel slimmer as a result of its body shaping and contouring effects.  

What Happens During Your VelaShape Procedure?

We’ve got you, girl. When you arrive at Crave Beauty Lab, you’ll get comfortable and meet your technician. During a short consultation, your technician will look over your problem area and will determine where your treatment zone will be. 

Next, your technician will roll the VelaShape handpiece over your pre-determined treatment areas (directly on your skin). VelaShape uses mechanical rollers to smooth out your skin during your treatment, so many patients compare the procedure to a deep tissue massage. 

Even though VelaShape uses heat to shrink fat cells, you won’t feel any discomfort during your treatment. 


How Does How Does VelaShape® Work?

VelaShape uses bipolar radiofrequency, infrared light and tissue mobilization to treat your cellulite, and shape, contour and slim your body. Basically, it heats and shrinks the fat cells in your problem areas, which creates a smoother appearance on your skin.


What Are You Waiting For?

The boss babes at Crave Beauty Lab are so excited to bring Velashape to Spruce Grove and Edmonton-area clients like you. Let’s book your appointment today!